
2024-09-27 Question

Consider the following Barabasi-Albert network: Knowing that the network started as    and the number of links per new node (m) is 2, select the wrong alternative: A. Node d was more likely to link to node a, despite ending being linked to c and b . B. The node d was inserted before e . C. A new node f will be more likely to connect to node c than node d . D. A new node f  will link to e with a probability of 2/12. E. None of the above. Original idea by Darlinne Hubert Palo Soto

2024-09-13 Question

Consider a scale-free network with 1000 32 nodes, where its maximum degree (Kmax) is 10 times its minimum degree (Kmin). What is the average distance of the network (rounded up)? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. None of the above Original idea by: Darlinne Hubert Palo Soto

2024-08-30 Question

Consider an Erdos-Renyi random graph G(200, p ) with 200 nodes. Which value of p would ensure an average degree of separation (average path length) between nodes greater than 5? A. 0.01 B. 0.025 C. 0.04 D. 0.05 E. None of the above Original idea by Darlinne Hubert Palo Soto

2024-08-16 Question

Given the following directed graph: Which sequence represents a valid depth-first search (DFS) traversal path that involve only one tree? A. a-d-b-f-c-e B. a-d-f-b-e-c C. e-c-d-f-b-a D. c-d-b-a-f-e E. None of the above

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